Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hocus Pocus

So, clearly school has consumed my life.  There is just so much to do and so little time.  As an assignment for my Computers in Nutrition Education class, I have been working on designing a website about healthy eating and grocery shopping. Let me tell you--when there are outdated instructions on making the website, a list of very specific things to include in your website, and it is not something you are doing by choice, it isn't very fun. In fact, it's been quite a headache.

I also got another one of my internship placements this week.  I was placed in one of my first choices--a public school district pretty close by.  I think I will be working at both the middle school and the high school.  I will be doing an 18 hour orientation at the facility starting in November, and then next year, I will spend 7 weeks interning there.

Anyways, what else has been going on in my life?  I had a nice weekend.  I did some work, ate some pumpkin oatmeal, babysat for my favorite fur niece, Pixie, went to a nice 1.5 anniversary dinner, and picked some delicious apples. Not too shabby!

This weekend, Mike and I are headed to a wedding in CT. The wedding circuit never seems to stop for us.  I was just emailing with one of my friends today and she mentioned that she and her husband don't have any weddings to go to yet for next year. This made me realize that we already have 3 to go to next year! Crazy!

Tonight I made a sort of random but yummy dinner.  I had a baked sweet potato with pesto tofu pasta.  I'm pretty sure anything covered in pesto is delicious.

Okay, time to get some more work done and then probably watch Hocus Pocus! I love that movie.  It brings me back to my youth!
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