Monday, August 22, 2011

Track Star

So, I realized the other day that I wasn't holding true to my tag line, "My life through food, school, fitness, and fun!"  It was clearly time to document some fitness-related activities.

Mike and I headed home this weekend and had some time to fit in a track workout at the local highschool.  I've really been enjoying track workouts lately.  We have one just minutes from our apartment, and it has been fun to head there to do some sprints, laps, and Rocky-style bleacher runs.  I have belonged to the same gym for 4 years now, and have been getting a little bored with the same routine lately.  You see, I try to work out 5-6 times a week, and rotating between running (either outside or on the treadmill), ellipticalling, and biking, can get old rather quickly.

Anyways, back to the track workout.

We ran to the track, did some laps, did some stride outs (jogging at a normal pace at the short ends of the track and sprinting on the straightaways), and then did some 200's.  The stride outs in particular hurt. so. good.  I was having a hard time catching my breath and being able to inhale fully. 

Like anything in life, it's good to add some variety into your workout routine.  It's also fun to workout with a buddy.  It increases your motivation, brings out your competitive spirit, and makes exercise a lot more fun!
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